

最近碰見螢幕黑屏的問題,上網查了資訊,發現必須先進入recovery mode才能解決。為了往後可能遇見類似問題,決定將過程在此留下紀錄

1. 開啟主機

2. 在BIOS載入的同時按住 Shift順利的話便能進入GNU GRUB menu畫面

3. 在GNU GRUB menu畫面選擇 Advanced options 後按 Enter,此時會出現一串系統列表

4. 在列表中選取最後面有 (recovery mode) 字樣的選項,按Enter,接著會出現第三個列表串

5. 在此列表串選取 Drop to root shell prompt 後按Enter

6. 已進入 Recovery mode 的狀態,此後的操作將以 command-line 的形式進行


以下為 wiki.ubuntu 的原文

1. Switch on your computer.

2. Wait until the BIOS has finished loading, or has almost finished. (During this time you will probably see a logo of your computer manufacturer.)

3. Quickly press and hold the Shift key, which will bring up the GNU GRUB menu. (If you see the Ubuntu logo, you've missed the point where you can enter the GRUB menu.)

4. Select the line which starts with "Advanced options".

5. Select the line ending with "(recovery mode)", probably the second line, something like:

    Ubuntu GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.8.0-26-generic (recovery mode)

6. Press Return and your machine will begin the boot process.

7. After a few moments, your workstation should display a menu with a number of options. One of the options (you may need to scroll down to the bottom of the list) will be "Drop to root shell prompt". Press Return with this option highlighted.

8. The root partition is mounted read-only. To mount it read/write, enter the command

   mount -o remount,rw /

9. If you have /home, /boot, /tmp, or any other mount point on a separate partition, you can mount them with the command

  1. mount --all

    (This must be done following step 8 so that /etc/mtab is writable.) Alternatively, you could try selecting "Enable networking" in step 7, though this has been found to cause the system to hang (see

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